Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A daunting view from the start...

When I first started planning my cross-Missouri trip last summer I was initially discouraged at my inability to focus on the nitty-gritty details. I'm finding the same to be true this time around. There are so many different aspects involved that it's hard to narrow down one bit of planning without having to take another bit into account. The larger scope of this trip doesn't make it any easier.

An example of the range of issues that I'm looking at:
  • What route should I take from D/F.W. to Austin?
  • What if there are no trees for my hammock?
  • How many and what spare bike parts should I bring?
  • How will I get home?
  • How long can I tolerate dehydrated food?
  • How far can I expect to ride each day?

There are many, many other potential problems running through my head and I look at each one with alternating senses of daunting dread and excited ingenuity. For the most part I enjoy problem solving and look forward to building my confidence with each question mark that I erase.

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